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Cold Chain Consolidation Boosts Productivity for Retail Pharmacy

Case Study

Taylor streamlined a major pharmacy chain’s cold chain logistics, standardizing supplies, reducing costs, and improving efficiency for pharmacists nationwide.


One of the nation’s largest retail pharmacy chains was experiencing logistical challenges related to its cold chain packaging and shipping products. The company relied on multiple vendors for the various coolers, insulated mailers, gel packs, specialty labels, forms and documents needed to handle cold chain medications at thousands of stores nationwide. As a result, the cold chain products used by the company differed from store to store. This created variability in both the client’s internal cold chain handling procedures as well as the operational costs of each store. Pharmacists also received multiple cold chain supply deliveries each day, pulling them away from their most critical functions — filling prescriptions and providing counsel to customers.


Taylor used its vast national warehousing network — and 20+ years of experience in cold chain distribution management — to provide an efficient, single-source solution.

  • The cold chain products utilized by the company’s pharmacists have been standardized across the chain, eliminating process and cost variability from store to store.

  • Instead of receiving multiple shipments of cold chain materials sporadically throughout the day, stores receive a single daily shipment of cold chain-related items from Taylor.

  • After identifying opportunities in the company’s cold chain product assortment, Taylor recommended higher-performing alternatives that withstand FDA audits and meet or exceed the requirements of ISTA®, USPS®, FedEx® and UPS®.


Taylor’s comprehensive cold chain packaging and shipping solution has had far-reaching impacts on pharmacy operations.

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