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Collegiate Basketball Program Adds Excitement to Locker Room

Case Study

The University of Maryland men's basketball program revitalized their locker room with Taylor's budget-friendly, durable, and visually exciting solution.


The University of Maryland men’s basketball program wanted to update the look of their locker room. In the highly competitive environment of intercollegiate sports, it’s critical to maintain a fun and inviting atmosphere for athletes on recruiting visits. However, the team’s old lockers verged on boring and were badly in need of a refresh. The school wanted to add a dose of visual excitement to the space but the treatment had to fit the project’s modest budget and be durable enough to withstand the rigors of a locker room environment.


Taylor devised a high-impact solution that met all of the university’s requirements for budget, durability and brand standards.

  • We began by arranging a photo shoot of team members through Under Armour®, the program’s official apparel supplier, to collect full-length photographs of each player in uniform.
  • We then used lenticular printing technology to create magnetic lenticular graphics for each player’s locker. Every image was printed and installed turnkey by Taylor.
  • Taylor set up everything so the university could order and install revised graphics on their own as new players join the team. Each year, Taylor creates lenticular photos and photo name plates for new team members.


The University of Maryland’s athletic department was delighted with the results as were the players themselves.

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