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Outsourced Print Operation Slashes Rising Overhead Costs

Case Study

Struggling with print costs and labor challenges, a U.S. HCM provider turned to Taylor’s CCM team for a secure, cost-saving outsourcing solution


A U.S.-based human capital management services provider was struggling with the changing economics of its operations. Soaring raw materials costs, labor challenges and declining print volumes were making it cost-prohibitive to maintain internal print facilities for paychecks, tax forms and other critical employee communications.


Taylor’s Customer Communications Management (CCM) team partnered with the client to develop a print center outsourcing solution that directly addressed these challenges.

  • By leveraging Taylor’s decades of secure communications expertise, the client was able to right-size its internal print production operation and shift print volume to Taylor instead.

  • Our industry-leading Venture Access CCM platform allowed the client to maintain complete control of Taylor’s remote production operation. The production status of each mail piece could be managed from anywhere, all the way through introduction to the mail stream and final delivery status with the mail carrier.

  • Taylor also counseled the client on its digital migration strategy, further accelerating their transition away from costly printed mailings.


Taylor’s highly specialized CCM talent and technology revolutionized the client’s service delivery strategy.

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