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Tech Literature Solution Prevents Line-Down Crisis

Case Study

Taylor's print experts quickly rescued a manufacturer from revenue loss by assuming production of critical technical literature


A prominent manufacturer of commercial and residential HVAC components was forecast to lose tens of millions of dollars in sales revenue because of a breakdown in the supply of its technical literature. The print broker tasked with sourcing the manufacturers’ most critical technical documents was unable to meet delivery deadlines, resulting in finished HVAC components being set aside as undeliverable. The situation grew so dire that the producer was within days of shutting down one of its most profitable manufacturing lines. The impending line-down situation would
have been devastating to the company’s revenue and reputation.


Taylor’s print management experts quickly evaluated the production’s needs and developed a production plan that would enable them to resume deliveries.

  • Taylor used its nationwide digital print network to rapidly assume production of the technical literature SKUs in shortest supply — one of which was within 24 hours of creating a line-down crisis.
  • We then worked with the client to identify other tech literature SKUs that were at risk of going out of stock and further delaying shipments of finished HVAC equipment.
  • This pattern repeated until Taylor eventually assumed full responsibility for nearly 400 technical literature SKUs within a matter of weeks.


Taylor’s print management expertise enabled the client to achieve its strategic goals.

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