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Automotive Omnichannel Marketing

Engage more customers and sell more vehicles.

Integrate every channel of communication customers use to interact with your dealership. Expand your visibility and impact by connecting the digital and physical worlds of car buying to create a seamless customer experience at every touchpoint involved in the buying process.


Omnichannel Automotive Experiences

Personalize the car buying experience
like never before.

Use customer life stages, buying behaviors and preferences to make it easy
for customers to hop between digital and physical spaces when shopping
with your dealership.


Direct Mail

Despite what you may have heard, print is not dead. Direct mail is valuable because it allows you to reach customers offline in a personalized and targeted way. It’s a great way to start the conversation and get people on board.



Even though it seems like we receive more than we can possibly open, email is still a powerful tool. In addition to being easily personalized, they are a great asset when it comes to data and tracking analytics.


Display Ads

Display ads work wonders on websites, social media platforms and mobile apps. You can target potential customers based on their interests and browsing behavior. Sometimes they only consist of a few words, but their impact can be huge.


Social Media

Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or another platform, integrating social media into your campaigns gives you the chance to connect with your customers on a 1:1 level.

"We were really excited to finally get the right message to the right
person at the right time. If I had to sum it up into one word I would say
Taylor is an exceptional partner"

Larissa Walega
Senior Vice President and Chief Growth Officer, Ziebart International Corporation
Taylor - Design Ripple
Taylor - Design Ripple

Data-Driven Automotive Marketing:
Your secret to selling more vehicles.

Reaching customers at the right place and time isn’t based on luck. There are ways to learn how
they behave, where they browse and buy, and what motivates them to purchase a vehicle.

Customer Profiles

Deeper knowledge of your target audience lets you deliver a more personalized experience


IBM SPSS neural networks modeling tools provide data modeling that enable you to discover complex relationships in your data


Organize your current and prospective customers into specific groups based on their preferences, buying behaviors and shared characteristics.

Performance Marketing

Real-time access lets you direct and follow your campaigns while they’re in progress.

Customer Journey Mapping

Your guide to determining where customers are in the buyer lifecycle and exactly what information you need to send them.

Marketing Data and Analytics

Collect and evaluate demographics, psychographics, household buying behaviors, life-stage triggers, geography and more.


Automotive Data Solutions

AutoNet Direct Data Network

Other automotive lead sources try to predict the best active shoppers. With Taylor’s AutoNet Direct Data Network, you’ll know who they are and how to reach them.

Our AutoNet Direct Data Network is the industry’s leading source of complete automotive and auto-related shopper data. Identify your best active shoppers and reach prospects at every stage of the vehicle buying journey to increase customer acquisition, retention and satisfaction.


AutoNet helps you target EV shoppers ahead of the competition.

Most traditional manufacturers have major electric vehicle launches in production. The next challenge is to figure out who will be in the market for these vehicles.

Check out our guidelines for targeting EV buyers.

Our automotive data and analytics give your
campaigns a strategic edge.

Want the full customer picture? Get data segments that let you deliver omnichannel
communications at every stage of the buying journey.


Active Shopper Advantage

Most of the time, the only way you know if an interested customer has been to your website is when they buy something.

Feel like doubling your chances of making a sale and gaining a customer? Our data analysis tools collect information from multiple channels that can help you find out which customers are searching for your products and services online - and which ones are looking at your competitors.


New Customer Acquisition

Reach and convert shoppers actively seeking your products and services online.

Based on data assessments that identify customer attributes, we’ll recommend audience strategies to target your most promising customers.

Customer profiles will be used to build personalized omnichannel messaging aimed at driving these newly acquired customers to your store or website.


Purchase Intent Triggers

Get more granular than ever before with mobile behavioral triggers, mobile location triggers and life-event data your marketing teams can use to reach customers at precisely the right time.

We’re one of the retail industry’s leading providers of in-market purchase intent data and analytics. Our data platforms connect more than 400 million mobile devices that link online and offline data.


Cross-Sell Campaigns

What if you could predict what your customers might buy next? With buyer journey mapping, you can.

Through a data assessment and purchase behavior analysis, we will create an AI-driven predictor model that can identify what customers will likely purchase next. Once they are identified, we develop an omnichannel campaign to reach these return customers in the channels they prefer.


Win-Back Campaigns

Acquiring new customers isn’t the only way to grow your revenue. It is possible to reengage lapsed customers and bring them back on board.

Based on your current customer profiles, we’ll be able to create a custom AI model that identifies the customers that have the best chance of reactivating, and develop personalized omnichannel communications to reach them.

Taylor - Design Ripple
Taylor - Design Ripple

Learn how you can use these omnichannel
programs to grow your business.

Track and measure the performance of all your communication
channels through a single platform.

Integration is easy. Our installation experts pair the dashboard with
your existing technology to collect and report the data you need.

Omnichannel Automotive Marketing Resources

Your source for success stories, design and engineering tips, and all things automotive marketing.

Omnichannel automotive campaigns
that deliver results.

Better data means better results. See what you can do
with data-driven automotive marketing.