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Ep: 45 - Content Marketing: Why Video is Your Most Valuable Tool

- Hosted by Glenn Bottomly

Augie Johnston, Founder of VidChops deep dives into the power of Video as a marketing tool.

If you’re a content marketer, video is the most powerful tool in your arsenal. But video is constantly evolving — and AI, another potent engine, promises to revolutionize the industry.

But does it live up to the hype?

In this episode, Augie Johnston, Founder of Vidchops, shares how to get the most out of your video strategy and decodes the mysteries of AI’s role in shaping the future of content.

Join us as we discuss:

  • The secrets to exploding your reach with video content
  • How AI can help you create video content faster than ever before
  • Whether AI lacks the emotional depth to compete with human-generated content 

It’s vital for marketing operations pros to stay on the cutting edge without busting the budget. Let’s explore his insights into truly connecting with your viewers.

“The best way to use online video in the content marketing sense is to create organic content.” — Augie Johnston

More eyeballs on your business

Augie launched his YouTube channel over a dozen years ago as a creator of basketball and workout tutorials. He wanted to land a gig as an NBA trainer. Instead, he built an online six-figure business, with his video content sending thousands of free organic leads directly to his website.

“The power is in the audience,” he points out, and your video followers will feel a stronger bond with your brand when they have a friendly face to relate to.

Vidchops allows entrepreneurs and creators to ditch the drudgery of editing and focus on what actually generates revenue — scaling your business through online video with an irresistible CTA. 

Millions of views mean millions of potential customers. Augie shares how he helped a client go from releasing 4-6 videos a month to 20, boosting her views from the tens of thousands to the 2.2m mark. 

“She wasn’t just an influencer trying to gain fame,” he says. “She had a business and used this for marketing.”

“The best audience is ones that are watching your videos because people connect with people.” — Augie Johnston

Short-form = brand awareness

Augie believes that marketing ops teams need to leverage both short-form (<1 minute) and long-form (10-20 minutes) videos to gain traction and cover all the bases.

It’s easy to repurpose longer clips into shorter, more sharable content that gets the face of your brand in front of a bigger audience, faster. But producing quality long-form is what companies should throw more resources into because that’s what converts into direct sales. 

“Short-form videos are kind of like candy,” he acknowledges, but offering more in-depth material provides the value that customers crave and encourages them to engage further.

“If you're running a brand awareness campaign, you want your face to show up in people's feed as they're swiping through short-form content.” — Augie Johnston

All about the algorithm

Mastering the arcane laws behind social media algorithms is difficult because they’re constantly evolving. 

Augie advises marketers that “the name of the game is keeping people on the platform and having them engage with your content by liking, commenting, and subscribing, especially on YouTube.” High click-through rates are crucial.

A catchy title, a relevant topic, and an attractive thumbnail are the keys to maximizing watch time and driving growth for your organization.

And you need a face. 

“Designate a person on your marketing team to be the ‘content creator,’ the one on camera, the one on YouTube,” Augie says. “Maybe that person also has a podcast.” 

These content pillars can easily be deconstructed and rearranged into short-form videos and blog posts.

There are 3 must-have types of videos that all marketing teams should be using online, according to Augie’s winning strategy:

  1. Creative content featuring the face of your brand
  2. Paid social media ads
  3. Video sales letters

If you’re struggling to come up with catchy ideas, AI offers a jump-start. ChatGPT can provide inspiration and develop script frameworks, AI-powered apps can remove dead space and backgrounds, and you’re able to create cool graphics with one click.

But Augie doesn’t think robots will ever replace the human touch. 

“I like to think that people watching a video entirely generated by AI won’t be as engaged," he says. “It will never catch on.”

His business is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and SMB owners avoid the dreaded YouTube burnout. “We want to help people go from 1,000 subscribers to 10 million, and make an impact on their life and the world in general.”

Want to learn more about taking your content marketing strategy to the stratosphere with snazzy videos? Listen on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you find your podcasts.

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