Podcasts for Marketing and Graphic Communications | Taylor

The Digital Healthcare Experience - Decoding Risks, Benefits & Bias of Digital Health

Written by Admin | Jun 19, 2024 5:17:55 PM

Episode 5 features Anne Huben-Kearney, Patient Safety & Risk Consultant, Doris Fischer-Sanchez DNP, SVP of Clinical Risk at Marsh, and Ben Wilburn, Director of Inclusion & Belonging at Bottle Rocket.

Join us as we explore the complex issue of implicit bias in digital health technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the impact it has on patients and healthcare delivery. Our expert guests provide valuable insights and actionable recommendations to help healthcare professionals and executives navigate this uncharted landscape.

The Digital Healthcare Experience is a hub to connect healthcare leaders and tech enthusiasts. Powered by Taylor Healthcare, this podcast is your gateway to the latest trends and breakthroughs in digital health. 

Learn more about The Digital Healthcare Experience and register for our upcoming virtual forums. 

Taylor Healthcare empowers healthcare organizations to thrive in the digital world. Our technology streamlines critical workflows such as procedural and surgical informed consent, ransomware downtime mitigation, contactless patient check-in, RX color coding solutions and more.