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Ep: 28 - Submit A Ticket: Being Priority Driven in a Growth Environment

- Hosted by Glenn Bottomly

Matthew Guerrieri discusses his regime of staying focused alongside company growth, why marketing professionals have leverage when moving into leadership, and company development

A large part of marketing is about driving growth, but what good is scaling any business without the right processes to navigate that expansion? 

That’s why a growth mindset, rooted in prioritization and adaptability, is a must.

Our latest guest, Matthew Guerrieri, Chief Marketing Officer at Medical Guardian, has risen through the ranks of marketing not only by his entrepreneurial prowess, but because he is consistently adapting to change. 


Matthew stopped by our show to discuss:

  • His regime of staying focused, on task and growing his skills alongside company growth
  • Why marketing professionals have leverage when moving into leadership roles
  • Development of Medical Guardian’s smartwatch for seniors and the specifics of the rollout


Regime of Staying Focused

For the past few years, social media has glorified grind culture. It’s when people are praised for putting in a lot of hours at work with very little rest. But that way of life isn’t sustainable.

“Being awake from 8am to 1am in the morning, and just working all day long, nonstop. That isn't sustainable. And it's certainly a wreck on your emotional well being,” Matthew says.

It’s all about being intentful and creating a daily process that’s easy to follow. When you go into each day with priorities set and an easy routine to follow, you’ll be more productive.

To combat getting sucked into the grind, you need to create a routine. Figure out what works for you and create a daily ritual for how you’ll start your day whether that’s creating to-do lists or tackling your inbox. Then set up how you’ll end each day to help you prepare you for your next day at work.  

The key is to stay consistent and try your hardest not to break that habit.

“I try to keep that consistency and if I accidentally skip one day I make sure to do it the very next day or even later that same day,” Matthew says.


Becoming Process Oriented as Your Company Grows

As a company grows, day-to-day operations become more and more difficult. Matthew says this is especially true when a company triples their numbers – whether that’s tripling the number of employees, the number of customers or the number of products.

When this is most apparent is when a startup hits its high growth stage.

A startup environment is very fluid, when you need something from someone you go directly to that person with your request. But as the company starts to grow, that same person will be getting requests from more people. That’s when you need to start putting processes in place to make sure things don’t fall through the cracks.


“I had to figure out how to be more process oriented. In a startup: ‘You need something? Here you go,’ if you want to talk to IT and get it done — it's done the next day. At a 300 person company, you have to submit a ticket,” Matthew says.

Once you’ve created processes you now have to become more priority-driven. You have to adapt to the realization that not everything you want done can get done and create processes to make it easy to prioritize tasks.

“You have to pick the things that are meaningful, and not what you feel are important. They have to have real business value,” Matthew says.


Development of the MGMove Smartwatch

For years, Matthew has wanted Medical Guardian to become the number one senior health care company in the country. After the recent acquisition of MedScope, they’re well on their way to realizing those goals.

“I don't know if I spoke it into existence or if it's just happening naturally, because that's kind of the direction and path that we could take. It's exciting to see it progress that way,” Matthew says.

Noticing a gap in the medical alert field, Medical Guardian began to develop the MGMove Smartwatch, a smartwatch specifically for aging adults. The watch is designed to help people stay in their home longer, stay physically active and stay connected to loved ones and caregivers.

“As you age, barriers continue to stack up. What we're trying to do is just chip away at those barriers,” Matthew says.

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