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Introducing iMedDowntime From TaylorHealthcare

iMedDowntime, available only from Taylor Healthcare, is designed to complement your existing EHR during downtime periods, both scheduled and unscheduled.

Nurse at Mobile Workstation

Sustain Operations in Times of Crisis

Vital networks can be rendered inoperable for any number of reasons. These types of downtime periods pose significant operational and financial risks to healthcare organizations like yours.

Taylor Healthcare offers a technology solution that mitigates the risks inherent in system interruptions. It empowers you to maintain normal operations without sacrificing efficiency or the quality of patient care — regardless of the status of your network or power supply.


Ease of Admissions

Registrars can search patient data records and print admissions packets while the ADT system is down.


Positive Patient ID

Nurses can print labels, forms and wristbands on demand, including vital patient demographics and barcodes during EHR outages.


Quality of Care

Physicians can access condition-specific protocols and continue to provide the same patient care as if the network was still live.

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