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5 Creative Ways to Use Print in Your Marketing


Innovative uses of print techniques and printed materials can enhance the performance of marketing campaigns.

In an age where digital media reigns supreme, printed materials still hold a unique sway in the marketing world. Their tangible nature offers a sensory experience that digital cannot replicate. Indeed, a survey by Toluna shows that printed media still resonates with consumers on a variety of levels for a variety of reasons:

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  • 79% of consumers keep hard copies of important documents on hand and view it as a safer, more secure way of storing vital information.
  •  73% of Americans surveyed — including 72% of 18-24 year olds — say that reading a printed book is more enjoyable than reading a book on a tablet or other electronic device.
  • 71% of consumers feel they gain a deeper understanding of a news story when reading it from a printed newspaper than an online news source.

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Clearly, there is still a business case for print in the business world. There simply is no substitute for the permanence, utility and tactility of print. This blog will explore some of the creative ways that print can be integrated into your marketing strategy.

5 Innovative Uses of Print in Marketing

1: Interactive Brochures

A printed brochure doesn’t have to be limited to static images and text. Incorporating QR codes or augmented reality markers in brochures bridges the gap between print and digital, opening the door to interactive experiences fueled by rich content sources.
Example: QR codes that link prospective customers to videos showing a product in use.

2: Hyper-Personalized Direct Mail

Digital, variable printing can do far more than simply personalize a mailpiece with the recipient’s name. Data regarding past purchase history and shopping preferences can be augmented with third-party data sources to create hyper-personalized direct mail that actually anticipates the consumer’s next purchase.
Example: Direct mail campaigns targeting “new movers” to a geographic area presenting personalized
marketing offers.

3: Personalized Branded Merchandise

Branded, printed promotional marketing merchandise like calendars and Post-it® Notes have been around forever for a very simple reason — they work. The classic wall calendar emblazoned with the company’s logo and contact information creates thousands of brand impressions over the course of a year. However, digital printing and data-driven hyper-personalization techniques allow you to create a deeper 1:1 connection with your customer.
Example: Glossy, full-color wall calendars with the customer’s name cleverly embedded into the image.

4: Limited-Edition Packaging

Limited-edition products help consumer packaged goods manufacturers create marketplace buzz. This tactic not only helps drive sales, it also enhances overall brand perception. Best of all, digital printing makes it cost-effective to create unique package designs for limited-edition products that heighten their special mystique.
Example: Collectible folding carton packaging designs for exclusive, limited-run products.

5: Colorful, Non-Traditional Business Cards

Breaking away from the traditional white rectangle when creating business cards is a low-cost way to make a memorable first impression. Surveys show that business contacts are 10 times more likely to retain a colorful business card than a plain white card. This impact can be enhanced by die cutting the card in a non-standard shape.
Example: A lenticular-printed business card that incorporates 3D, flip or animation effects.

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Innovative Print Solutions for Marketers

As one of the largest graphic communications companies in North America, Taylor maintains a vast fleet of printing presses and finishing equipment. Our expertise with data-driven digital production and obsession with G7® color management allows marketers to let their imaginations run wild. All of the print innovations noted here — and countless others — are possible with Taylor.

See how Taylor uses industry-leading print production technology to bring innovation to marketing.
Contact your Taylor representative to learn more.


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